Important: If you choose untracked shipping, we cannot be held responsible for orders lost during transit.
If your order has already been shipped and you experience issues with shipment or delivery, please start by contacting your local postal service. Use your tracking number (if available) to help resolve the issue. If the problem persists and cannot be resolved, feel free to reach out to us directly—we’ll do our best to assist you.
Need help with your order? We’ve got you covered!
We want you to feel amazing in your STAY POSITIVE gear. If there’s any issue with your order, don’t worry—we’ll find a solution that works for you!
Each piece is made just for you:
All of our gear is hand-printed on demand, meaning every item is one of a kind. If you’re unsure about your size, just reach out to us—we’re happy to help you find the perfect fit. This way, we can reduce returns and keep you, us, and the planet happy.
How to return or exchange an item:
1. Get in touch with us: If you need to return or exchange something, send us a quick email at before sending anything back. We can’t process unannounced returns, so this step is important.
2. Send it back to us: Once we confirm, please ship your order to the following address:
Email us at:
Phone: +421 944 497 211
Thank you for helping us keep the positivity flowing while staying kind to the planet. If you need any assistance, we’re always here for you!
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